Daddy Blogger Turns 4-Month-Old Baby Into Real Life Elf on the Shelf

This Utah father of six has turned his youngest into a real life verison of the naughty Christmas character.

A Utah dad has turned his baby son into a real-life Elf on the Shelf.

Alan Lawrence recently came up with idea to help celebrate the holidays by dressing up 4-month-old Rockwell as the notoriously naughty holiday character.

For the weeks leading up to Christmas, Lawrence has posed little Rockwell in various acts of holiday mischief, snapped a photo and used editing software to take himself out.

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"My wife and I have never done Elf on the Shelf, but we've always been fascinated by it," Lawrence told USA TODAY Network. "This idea of telling your kids this elf lives in your home and causes mischief at night; we started to wonder how would parents really react to that."

Lawrence, a father of six and daddy blogger, said the idea came to him around Thanksgiving.

"A family member told me, "He's like a little elf,'" Lawrence said.

"So, we decided to make it a reality."

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Now Lawrence has posted about a dozen of the playful photos on his blog and various social media accounts, including Instagram.

Rockwell has been caught shoving cookies into a VCR, throwing marshmallows at his dad, toilet-papering the Christmas tree and playing Connect 4 with Godzilla, among other infractions.

"I’m just glad he’s wearing a diaper and I pray that he knows how to change them," Lawrence joked on his blog.

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