Monopoly Makers Confirm Female Protagonist Will Appear in 'Star Wars' Edition After Uproar

Fans of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' are using the power of social media to address the lack of the film's heroine on merchandising.

Following fan backlash, Hasbro, the makers of Star Wars: The Force Awakens Monopoly edition will be adding the female heroine of the film, Rey, in new versions of the board game after she was initially left out.

.@CarrieMGoldman @JillPantozzi @Epbot

— Hasbro (@HasbroNews) January 6, 2016

Fans of Star Wars: The Force Awakens let their feelings known after Monopoly left out the film’s female protagonist, Rey, from the latest edition of the classic game.

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The hashtag #WheresRey began after fans noticed that she was not a part of the set, which features Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and other new male characters Finn and Kylo Ren. The Force Awakens centers around Rey, played by Daisy Ridley.

Someone seems to be missing in Star Wars Monopoly. Unbelievable. #whereisrey

— Mike Caulfield (@holden) December 22, 2015

Hasbro's response is apparently having Rey in the game would have given away plot points. It's Monopoly. #WheresRey

— Sarah Livermore (@SJLives) January 5, 2016

#WheresRey come on Hasbro, I want Rey, my grandaughter wants Rey, girls CAN save the galaxy you know.

— Sian C James (@SianCJames1) January 5, 2016

Hasbro, the company that makes the game, told Entertainment Weekly: "The Star Wars: Monopoly game was released in September, months before the movie’s release, and Rey was not included to avoid revealing a key plot line that she takes on Kylo Ren and joins the Rebel Alliance.”

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Fans of Rey also noticed that other Force Awakens products, made by other companies, are not featuring the character.

Avengers set - no Black Widow Guardians set - no Gamora Star Wars - no Rey. She's THE MAIN CHARACTER. #WheresRey

— Jamie Ford (@JamieFord) November 12, 2015

Rey is the new pilot of the millennium falcon, but the soccer ball gets more love. Come on #StarWars #WheresRey

— Alex M Langenfeld (@CorporateMalice) December 29, 2015

Paul Southern, Disney’s senior vice president and head of licensing for Lucasfilm addressed the controversy to The Daily Beast, saying: “In many stores and e-commerce destinations, products featuring Rey are selling as quickly as retailers can restock shelves. Fans will also be seeing a lot more of Rey with a new wave of product coming in January.”

After being released last month, The Force Awakens has already made $742 million worldwide at the box office and is set to become the highest grossing film of all time.

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