Suspected Gang Members Planned to Cut Off Boy's Fingers and Ears Before Killing Him: Prosecutors

Tyshawn Lee, 9, was convinced to leave a playground with three men who allegedly told him they were his father's friends and promised him a juice box.

Three suspected gang members accused of executing a 9-year-old boy in Chicago because of his father’s alleged rival gang affiliations first planned to abduct the child and torture him by cutting off his fingers and ears, authorities said.

Little Tyshawn Lee was convinced to leave a playground with the men, who allegedly told the child they were his father’s friends on the afternoon of Nov. 2, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said at a press conference Tuesday.

“The plan was to execute him in the park, but we learned there were too many people in the park so they lured him into an alley, promising him a juice box,” Guglielmi said.

The slain child was found shot multiple times in an alleyway near his route to his grandmother’s house.

The basketball he had been playing with when he was convinced to go with the men lay near his body.

“Tyshawn was an innocent child betrayed by these three men," Interim Chicago Police Superintendent John Escalante said. "And sadly he paid the ultimate price for gang violence, senseless gang violence that plagued his neighborhood."

Read: Second Man Arrested In Execution of Boy, 9, Killed Over His Dad's Gang Ties: Cops

The suspected shooter, Dwright Boone-Doty, was already in custody on unrelated gun charges when he was charged with first-degree murder late Monday.

Boone-Doty was secretly recorded by another inmate as he described what officials have called an execution, the Chicago Tribune reported.

The 22-year-old alleged member of the Bang Bang Gang/Terror Dome faction of the Black P Stones reportedly started to brag to other inmates at the Cook County Jail that he looked the fourth grader in the face before killing him.

He laughed as he recounted the murder, the newspaper wrote.

Corey Morgan, 27, had been arrested and charged in November for the killing, and another suspect identified as Kevin Edwards, 22, remains on the loose. Authorities say he may be in Iowa.

Morgan has denied any involvement in the killing. 

"Corey Morgan, Dwight Doty and Kevin Edwards actions' define cowardice and brutality," Escalante said.

The three allegedly talked about producing a rap song about killing Tyshawn and considered torturing the child before murdering him, Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez said during Tuesday’s press conference.

Read: 9-Year-Old Boy Was Lured Into Alleyway and Executed Because of Father's Gang Ties: Police

“I don’t think I have ever been more disgusted and appalled by such humanity,” Alvarez said. “The intentional murder of Tyshawn Lee is among the worst I have ever seen in my almost 30 years as a prosecutor.”

Tyshawn’s father, 25-year-old Pierre Stokes, is a convicted felon who officials believe is a member of Killa Ward, an offshoot of the Gangster Disciples, with which the Black P Stones faction has had a long-running feud.

Stokes was not cooperative with investigators, former Police Superintendent Gary McCarthy told reporters at the time of Tyshawn’s killing.

The boy’s father denied being uncooperative or that he was in a gang, telling reporters that he didn’t know anything about his son’s murder.

The gang war in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood is said to have led to at least 15 shootings, including at least five homicides, since 2011, sources told the Tribune.

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