Quick-Thinking Cops Save Dog Hanging From Car Window By Its Leash

A dog hanging from its leash was saved by two cops just in the nick of time.

A dog hanging from its leash was saved by two quick-thinking cops just in the nick of time.

Sergeant Jason Legleiter and Police Officer Wade Hammond were called to a Kansas Walmart earlier this month to arrest a shoplifter but staff soon enlisted their help with a second problem.

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As harrowing images from the officers' body cameras show, they found the pup's limp body hanging from a leash outside of a truck window.

"The dog was hanging motionless and appeared to be deceased," the Arkansas City Police Department said. "Sergeant Legleiter was quick to think on his feet and used his patrol duty knife to cut the dog down in an instant."

Officer Hammond raced to the dog, pulled off its leash and began intermittently putting pressure on its side. Incredibly, the pup started breathing.

"The dog became more and more responsive and showed signs of life little by little," the department said as it shared the tale from July 8 on Facebook.

Read: Police Rescue Puppy From Sweltering, Locked Car in Home Depot Parking Lot

Soon the dog was able to stand. Photos show the animal gazing up with appreciation at its saviors.

"There is absolutely no doubt that Sergeant Legleiter's and Officer Hammond's quick response and care saved this dog's life," the department wrote.

Police said they are looking into whether any charges should be filed.

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