Vice President Joe Biden Performs Same-Sex Marriage at His Home: 'Love is Love!'

Biden married White House staffers Brian Mosteller and Joe Mahshie after the couple asked him to officiate, a White House spokesman told reporters.

Vice President Joe Biden officiated a same-sex wedding Monday, performing his first wedding at the vice presidential home in Washington, D.C.

Biden performed the ceremony after longtime White House staffers Brian Mosteller and Joe Mahshie him to officiate, a White House spokesman told reporters.

“Proud to marry Brian and Joe at my house,” Biden tweeted along with a photo of himself performing the wedding. The second in command was pictured smiling as Mosteller slid Mahshie’s wedding ring on his finger.

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“Couldn’t be happier, two longtime White House staffers, two great guys,” Biden continued.

Dr. Jill Biden shared her husband’s tweet, commenting, “Love is love!”

The vice president reportedly obtained a temporary certification from the District of Columbia for the small ceremony attended by family members.

Mahshie serves as trip coordinator for the First Lady, his LinkedIn profile notes, while Monsteller works as the director of Oval Office operations.

In his role, Mosteller “sweats the small stuff so that the president doesn’t have to,” a Washington Post profile of the president’s right-hand man noted.

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But after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, it was President Obama who was at Monsteller’s side to celebrate the news, walking to Monsteller’s office to silently put his arm around him.

Monsteller called the magnitude of that moment “unspoken.”

When I was young, I couldn’t fathom that I could ever have a partner, and now I was with the president of the United States and, together, we were talking this kind of partnership, and it was not only public but so very normal,” Mosteller told the Post.

“How often does a boss talk about love? Now, how often does a boss contribute to our country’s blessing of your love?”

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