NYPD Officer Suspended After Snapchatting Family In Handcuffs While on the Job: 'Merry Christmas Its NYPD'

Police have not released the officer's name.

An NYPD officer has been suspended after he took to Snapchat to post a picture of a family whose house was being searched by cops.

The picture, which shows a Brooklyn’s woman’s family all sitting down in handcuffs, was captioned: “Merry Christmas Its NYPD!”

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Kimberly Santiago, 28, reportedly said she saw an officer doing something with his phone but thought he was texting until a few hours later two photos Snapchat photos surfaced online.

"Warrant sweeps Its still a party smh,” the second Snapchat photo caption read.

Reports said the officer’s snapchat photo had appeared on the public “New York Story” for everyone to see, although a spokeswoman for Snapchat, Rachel Racusen, reportedly denied that.

“A Snap like this would not be something our teams would ever include in a live story," Recusen said.

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The NYPD confirmed that a warrant was executed at the address, but would not say what or who they were looking for, citing an ongoing investigation, according to reports.

Police said the officer who posted the photos has been suspended.

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