Mystery of Creepy Clown Revealed

INSIDE EDITION reveals what's behind the creepy clown that was putting an entire community on edge.

Mystery solved! The creepy clown who has been causing such an uproar has finally been unmasked.

The clown has been spotted late at night in the New York City borough of Staten Island terrifying passersby.  

It turns out that the clown is indeed the brainchild of the folks at a low budget movie production company, Fuzz on the Lens Productions. Friday he turned up at Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan.

See the Creepy Staten Island Clown Invade Manhattan

Filmmaker Michael Leavy confessed that he and friends staged the clown's creepy late night appearances and posted them online. 

INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd asked Leavy, "No apologies if you freaked out a lot of people with this clown?"

"No, I mean that comes with it. The reason why we picked a clown is because fifty percent of people, as we look at it, are scared of clowns and fifty percent of people like clowns," he responded.

The man wearing the creepy clown suit turned out to work at Fuzz on the Lens Productions.

The video of the clown has been seen around the world. The clown looks similar to Pennywise, the killer clown from Stephen King's It, who lives in a sewer.

Even Stephen King got in on the act, tweeting: "Pennywise spotted on Staten Island. Do I get royalties?"

But it seems there's nothing to fear from this clown...or is there?

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