Chilling Video Shows Suspected Carjackers May Have Staked Out Victims in Mall Parking Lot

Just-released surveillance footage of a deadly mall carjacking reveals the accused shooters may have staked out victims for days. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.

It's the chilling just-released surveillance video that is now shedding light on a crime that shocked the Nation.

A terrified 911 call was made by the wife of 30-year-old lawyer Dustin Friedland, who was shot in the head by carjackers at an upscale New Jersey mall ten days before Christmas last year.

In the call, Friedland’s wife said, “I'm at the Short Hills Mall parking lot. My husband's been shot!”

The couple's luxury Range Rover was discovered a few days later with its rear window smashed.

Now, the new surveillance video shows the suspected carjackers trolling the mall's parking lot for days before the shooting.

Watch the Chilling Surveillance Video

Lawyer Bruce Nagel represents the victim's widow. Nagel told INSIDE EDITION's Les Trent, “This case shows that the malls are not being protected adequately.”

The video shows a timeline to tragedy:

December 12th, the suspected carjackers' SUV can be seen in the mall parking lot, three days before the murder. The carjackers appear to be staking out a white SUV which is departing after a night of Christmas shopping.

December 15th, the night of the murder, the suspected carjackers return. A few minutes later they allegedly find Dustin Friedland, his arms loaded with Christmas present. He was shot when cops say he tried to defend his wife during the carjacking.

The surveillance video shows the suspects speeding away, followed by Friedland's stolen Range Rover with one of the suspected carjackers at the wheel.

Friedland's wife called 911 saying, “We called an ambulance half-an-hour ago, where is he?”

The 911 respondent said, "They're on their way ma'am, they're on their way."

"When? When? When?" pleaded Freidland's wife.

The four suspects were captured and have pleaded not guilty to the murder.

"They allowed these criminals to come three days before and case the property and come back three days later and do it again," said Nagel.

So how can you protect yourself and your family this holiday season?

Security expert Steve Kardian showed INSIDE EDITION’s Megan Alexander what to do if the worst happens and a carjacker pounces.

Kardian said, “Throw the keys at my chest and say, 'Here take what you want', back off, drop the bags,  and leave. It's going to distract me when I take the time to pick up the keys, you're going to be 50 feet away.”

Kardian says one way of foiling attackers is right in your hand.

“Should someone approach you, or even if you feel uncomfortable, hit the panic button, they don't like noise attract attention. Be with people, go to people, stay with people,” he said.

Police say Sunday night is the most common time for carjackings, and December is the most dangerous month.

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