Hot Cold Enthusiasts Jump Into Ice Baths in the Middle of the United Arab Emirates Desert

Benoit D from Switzerland is the man behind This wild experiment. And cold water enthusiast, Wim Hof, helped make cold water immersion and breathing techniques popular.

In the middle of the United Arab Emirates desert, a man lowers himself into a bucket of ice. As you can imagine, this is uncomfortable.

But weathering such extreme discomfort is an attempt to boost immunity and connect with inner strength.

Benoit D from Switzerland is the man behind what might seem like a wild experiment.

“I am a passionate hot and cold person,” he explains.” I like to take people out of their comfort zone and give them an experience of body and mind, of reconnect with nature. You feel hot, like energy all over your body.”

A Dutch cold-water enthusiast named Wim Hof helped make cold-water immersion and breathing techniques popular.

Hof holds several world records for cold exposure. And he has developed his own methodology based on ancient Tibetan Buddhist breathing techniques.

To achieve a certain result. It's well worth the temporary discomfort.

“You realize that your mind is more powerful than your body and your mind controls your body,” he said. “You have to make your body obey your mind. That’s the secret.”

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