One Facebook group has over 7,000 members.
The people of Paradise are coming together via social media to help reunite pet owners with their missing animals amid the devastating California wildfires.
Many lost and found groups have been formed on Facebook where the owners can submit photos of their missing pets and others can post photos of animals they have found.
Along with these groups there are also animal rescue pages, fire departments, local veterinaries, animal hospitals, shelters and other facilities posting about lost pets from the fire.
One main group with over 7,600 members is the CAMP FIRE Paradise CA Area LOST FOUND ANIMALS public group. The page has over 4,000 posts of missing animals, found animals, and updates on the statuses of animals. This group also provides information and links of all the different locations animals are being treated and where to look for them.
Pictures of dogs, cats, horses, goats, pigs, chickens, bunnies, birds and guinea pigs are being posted on these pages. Some posts include the animal being taken in or brought to a shelter. Other posts mention the animals that are still missing.

One specific post even asks for people to adopt hamsters.

As there are sad stories of people still searching for their animals, there have been heartwarming success stories of owners reuniting with their pets.

A cat named Friday was reunited with its owner, Abigail Lopez, who was ecstatic to share the news and expressed her gratitude.

Posts are continuing to be uploaded and updated by the minute on multiple Facebook pages to assist in reconnecting the victims of the Paradise Fire with their furry friends.