How to Help Keep Your Bread From Getting Stale

"I would just leave it at room temperature. I'd say for up to three days," Amy Scherber, the owner of Amy's Bread in New York City tells Inside Edition.

How do you keep your bread fresh? Inside Edition has tips to help keep your bread from getting stale.

Many people keep bread in the refrigerator thinking that will help it stay fresher longer.

Amy Scherber, the owner of Amy's Bread in New York City, says bread in the fridge is a huge no-no. 

"I think it gets sort of tough on the outside," Scherber tells Inside Edition. "I would just leave it at room temperature. I'd say for up to three days, maybe four. After that, it starts to probably get very dried out and it might actually get moldy."

If your bread has been sitting on the counter for a few days and it feels a little dry, there's a tip to help bring it back to life: preheat your oven to 375 degrees, spray some water on the crust, and place the loaf directly on the oven rack. After five minutes, your bread should be fresh again.

If you are not planning on finishing your loaf of bread within a few days, you can put it in the freezer, not the fridge, where it can keep for three months.

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