Jesus Saves! Uber Driver Takes Woman 400 Miles to Aunt's 100th Birthday Party

Kerry Maggard with her centenarian aunt.
Kerry Maggard with her centenarian aunt, Ann Stueven. Kerry Maggard/Twitter

The woman and her sister missed their connecting flight and had no way to get to important family function.

An Uber driver named Jesus was a blessing to a stranded woman trying to get to her aunt's 100th birthday party.

Kerry Maggart praised the driver on Twitter after he came to the Minneapolis-St.Paul International Airport and picked up her and her sister, then drove them 400 miles to celebrate their aunt becoming a centenarian. 

Maggart had journeyed from Louisiana and her sis, Deb Eggers, had come from Texas. Both missed their connecting flight and arrived late at the Twin Cities airport only to learn there were no available rental cars.

So Maggard contacted Uber in desperation, not expecting that a driver would be willing to make such a long trek.

That's when Jesus arrived.

He said, "I'm a driver, that's what I do and I will take you," Maggard recounted to "Good Morning America."

"He was extremely sweet. It's really a testimony to the kindness of people," she said. 

The trip cost $216.30. Maggard tipped the driver $54.07.

The sisters arrived in time for the retirement home party for their aunt, Ann Stueven.

"Aunt Ann is just as sharp, sweet and witty as can be," Maggard said. "She was thrilled when we walked in and asked about our adventure."


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