Junk in and Around Hoarder House in Los Angeles is Attracting Roaches and Rats

Naturally, this has become a health concern for everyone on this block.

Neighbors who live on one Koreatown street in Los Angeles are tired of the hoarding eyesore on the block. And they are even more fed up with the unwanted pests it attracts.

"We used to not have any problems with bugs in the past," one neighbor named Edward Lim states.

"But in the last two years, we've seen more and more bugs in the house. We've been hearing even rats scurrying about."

There is a pile of stuff on the property that stands about eight feet tall, and it even has a car buried under it. And covering the top — lots of cockroaches.

Naturally, this has become a health concern for everyone on this block.

Neighbors say they've made multiple requests to have it removed, but it still hasn't happened. There is so much trash outside that it's blocking the front door. So anyone trying to get into the home has to climb over the debris.

Neighbors state they have complained to the city over and over, but nothing has been done.

A spokesperson from city council member Mark Ridley-Thomas' office said they are working with several city agencies to clean this up.

Which, for this community, can't happen fast enough.

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