Kansas Teacher Found Guilty of Stalking 10-Year-Old Student, Had Over 200 Photos and Videos of Her


The teacher was not accused of physical sexual contact. Most, if not all of the photos were of the girl's legs and buttocks.

A teacher in Kansas has been found guilty of stalking a 10-year-old girl and taking hundreds of videos and photos of her legs and buttocks, the New York Post reported.

James Loganbill, 58, was convicted on Wednesday following his June 2020 arrest. He was an elementary school teacher at Meadow Lane Elementary School in Olathe, just outside Kansas City.

“It makes me kind of scared of men now, just in general,” the girl testified against Loganbill at his trial.

Investigators alleged the teacher had taken over 200 photos and 31 videos of the girl between August 2019 and March 2020, the New York Post reported.

Loganbill was the girl’s fourth grade teacher and the alleged photos were of her legs and buttocks, according to the Kansas City Star. Cops say the photos were on the teacher’s iPhone and iPad.

The teacher did not testify at his trial, which was held without a jury and held on a Zoom call, the Kansas City Star reported.

Johnson County District Judge Thomas Sutherland found Loganbill guilty based on the victim’s testimony as well as witness testimony and the teacher’s own admission, the Kansas City Star reported.

In March 2020, Loganbill admitted to school leaders and a detective he was attracted to the student, Fox 4 Kansas City reported. He reportedly told authorities that he was “obsessed” with the young girl.

Detective William King said the teacher stalked his student and looked her up on social media and as well as the location of her dance studio and competition videos on YouTube, Fox 4 Kansas City reported.

“In my mind that goes beyond just pictures in a classroom,” King said. “In my mind that takes it to a different level that’s concerning to me.”

The student was 10 years old at the time of the investigation and is now 12. King said that “He found her attractive in the black tights," adding that the most shocking thing about the images the teacher had were he didn't see any photos of her face.

Loganbill resigned a day after the principal received the complaint about him by the victim’s friends, who came forward to tell school leaders. He later retired after three decades working within the Olathe school district. 

Loganbill is due back in court in November for sentencing.

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