Karen Read's Attorney Says She Will 'Not Stop Fighting' After Mistrial Declared

"The feeling inside that jury room is probably very tense," jury consultant Susan Constantine tells Inside Edition.

After a mistrial was declared Monday in the murder trial of Karen Read, her attorney announced outside of the court that Read will not stop fighting.

"They failed, they failed miserably and they'll continue to fail," Read's attorney Alan Jackson said.

Earlier in the day the judge read a note from the jury indicating that they were deadlocked.

"We find ourselves deeply divided by fundamental differences in our opinions and state of mind. The divergence in our views are not rooted in a lack of understanding or effort but deeply held convictions that each of us carry, ultimately leading to a point where consensus is unobtainable,” the note read.

CourtTV's Matt Johnson spoke with Inside Edition.

"The judge also said that this was a note unlike she has ever seen," Johnson says.

Susan Constantine is a jury consultant.

"The feeling inside that jury room is probably very tense. I would assume there's people leaning back, holding their arms and they turn themselves away and they just don't want anything to do with it," Constantine says.

A crowd of people who believe she killed her boyfriend, Boston police officer John O'Keefe, gathered outside of the courthouse.

Read hugged and took pictures with her supporters.

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