Lovable Pit Bull Comforts Children in Ukraine Traumatized by War

Pitbull in Ukraine

Bice, an American pit bull terrier visited children in Ukraine, bringing smiles to their faces.

An American pit bull terrier has been tasked with the important role of comforting children in Ukraine traumatized by the war. 

Bice, the gentle and kind dog, first arrived at the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation in Boyarka, Ukraine, located about 12 miles southwest of Kyiv.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its 11th month, some of the children have parents and family members fighting in the war, some have lost loved ones.

“The dog heals already with its presence,” psychologist Oksana Sliepova wrote to Facebook.

Kids gathered and smiled in excitement as the 8-year-old grey dog walked into the room, wagging his tail.

Children were given the space to forget about the war for a moment and play with the loveable animal.

The rehabilitation center was originally established in 2000 to support the people affected by the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Now, the center’s focus is to support the people affected by the war.

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