Man Allegedly Calls Police to Report Himself Drunk Driving

Polk County Sheriff's Office
Polk County Sheriff's Office

Thankfully no one was harmed.

A Florida man who was allegedly drunk driving called the police on himself on New Year’s Eve.

Michael Lester reportedly called police saying that he was “driving on the wrong side of the road,” according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office.

"I'm too drunk. I don't know where I'm at,” Police said Lester told officers during the phone call.

Police said Lester told them he was “trying to get pulled over, actually” while on the phone with a dispatcher.

Police asked the allegedly intoxicated man to park his car and said he did so in the middle of the road.

Deputies said Lester admitted drinking beers and swallowing methamphetamine, according to reports.

Lester’s criminal history includes DUI, aggravated battery, drug possession and hit-and-run, according to the Polk’s County Sheriff’s Office.

"Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious crime. Innocent people are too often injured or killed from impaired drivers. DUI is not a laughing matter," sheriff's officials wrote on Facebook. ”However ... in this particular incident, nobody was hurt, so we couldn't help but LOTO (that means we Laughed Our Tasers Off)."


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