Man Helps Lost Dog Find Its Home With Sign on Street Corner: 'Do You Know This Lost Dog?'

Jason Gasparik stood on a busy corner with a sign with the hopes of reunited Roxy to her owner.
Jason Gasparik stood on a busy corner with a sign with the hopes of reunited Roxy to her owner.(Jason Gasparik)

Roxy, whose chip was unregistered, was returned to her rightful owner several days later.

A North Carolina man did everything he could to try to get this lost dog back to her rightful owner, but when none of his usual tactics worked, he took to the streets of Charlotte with a sign hoping a passing driver would see it.

“Do you know this lost dog?” were the words scrawled on a cardboard sign that Jason Gasparik, 40, held up on the street corner last weekend.

Gasparik told he was driving Friday night when he noticed a car stopped in a strange part of the road, and someone running around on a grassy field.

He pulled over to see what was going on and noticed the man was actually chasing a dog.

“The dog [was] running in circles in the road, confused and scared,” he said. “She was playful, but apprehensive.”

They were eventually able to calm the poor pup and lure it into Gasparik’s car with some deli meat.

Gasparik said he immediately drove her to a 24-hour veterinarian, hoping to have her scanned for a chip but was told the chip was unregistered.

He eventually took his search online, and with the chip ID number, Gasparik was able to track down the pup’s breeder, but still had a hard time finding the information for the current owner.

“I then decided to go stand on a busy corner in Charlotte with a sign,” he said.

The next thing he knew, he went viral with social media and local news organizations sharing the image.

“It was amazing,” he said. “One post by a nice lady locally had more than 1,000 shares.”

He took to the streets the following day as well, and by the afternoon, a woman named Cheryl reached out to him and let him know that she recognized the dog Roxy and was happy to help reunite her with her owner, Ed.

“As soon as Roxy saw Ed, she was ecstatic,” Gasparik said.

He said he hoped the event will inspire pet owners to make sure their animals are chipped and registered.

“Too many people assume the chip is registered by the vet when they pay to have it installed,” Gasparik said.


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