Minnesota Man Has Both Legs Amputated After Freak Accident While Cleaning Out a Grain Bin

Travis Muller

Travis Muller, 30, was cleaning out a grain bin when both of his legs got caught in the auger.

A Minnesota man had both legs amputated after being involved in a horrific farm accident

A GoFundMe created after the accident stated that 30-year-old Travis Muller was helping clean out a grain bin when both of his legs suddenly got caught in the auger. 

Bystanders were able to jump into action and quickly shut off the machine but the auger had already made it up his thighs, the GoFundMe said.

“As life changing as this will be and heartbreaking to lose his legs, the doctor said just a few more seconds and he would no longer be with us,” his wife, Jasmine, said in the GoFundMe.

Travis was quickly transported by helicopter to a hospital and then to a different one to undergo surgery. 

Due to the severity of the injuries caused by the auger, both legs were amputated in order to save his life. The left leg was amputated above the knee and the right leg was amputated right below the knee, the GoFundMe stated.

“This is very hard to process and we are all still in so much shock,” Jasmine said. “Many muscles, tendons, nerves, veins and arteries just gone completely and/or severed, plus multiple bone shatters.”

Travis had been sedated after the accident but his wife posted an update saying that he was awake most of the day Tuesday and had his breathing tube removed.

Jasmine also shared that Travis wrote out messages saying “but oh well it happened for a reason” and “it’s all good.” 

Travis is scheduled for another surgery in order to clean out the rest of the dirt and corn around his wound and may need surgery to make a “more ‘permanent’ amputation cut for best chance of prosthetic outcomes,” Jasmine said in the GoFundMe. 

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