Missing Arizona Woman Contacted by Stalker Days Before Disappearance, Private Eye Says

Doris Aguilar
Doris Marciela Aguilar (above) went missing on July 1.Facebook

A little over a week later on July 9, officers with the Phoenix Police Department discovered Aguilar's abandoned car outside a shopping center in Phoenix according to Steve Fischer, the investigator hired by the family.

New details are emerging about the days leading up to the disappearance of an Arizona woman.

The family of Doris Marciela Aguilar, 25, says she has been missing since July 1, and has now hired a private investigator to try and help locate the young woman.

A little over a week later on July 9, officers with the Phoenix Police Department discovered Aguilar's abandoned car outside a shopping center in Phoenix, according to Steve Fischer, the investigator hired by the family.

It is the same shopping center that Aguilar said she was heading to on the night she was last seen, Fischer tells Inside Edition Digital.

According to Fischer, members of the police homicide unit arrived on the scene and dusted the car for prints on July 9. He also says that Aguilar's wallet, passport, credit cards and cash were still inside the unlocked car.

Fischer says that Aguilar had a stalker and that on June 9, she filed a report at a Walmart because a man was following her. He also says that a male friend who is close to Aguilar received threatening messages showing images of weapons via Messenger. This alleged stalker also sent Aguilar threatening messages, according to Fisher.

Fischer would not provide further details regarding the alleged stalker.

He is asking anyone with any information to call him at 817-619-9890 or contact the Phoenix Police Department at 602-534- 2121.

The Phoenix Police Department confirmed to Inside Edtion Digital that the young woman's apparent disappearance is being investigated as a missing persons case. Police did not comment however on the claims regarding the discovery of Aguilar's car or the dusting for prints. 

There is still no information on Aguilar's whereabouts and no suspects have been identified at this time. 

Aguilar is 25 with brown hair and brown eyes. She stands 5 feet, 4 inches tall and weighs approximately 140 pounds. 

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