Mother of Boy Who Died After Being Forced to Run on Treadmill Speaks Out

“I just miss him and sometimes I just want to say sorry but I know I tried,” the boy’s mother, Breanna Micciolo tells Inside Edition.

The mother of a 6-year-old boy who died days after his father forced him to run on a treadmill has spoken out in an exclusive interview with Inside Edition.

Video revealed a six-year-old being forced to run on a treadmill at high speeds. The young boy kept falling off the machine and his father continued to force him back onto it. The boy fell hard six times. Twelve days later, Corey Micciolo died of what authorities called “chronic abuse.”

“I just miss him and sometimes I just want to say sorry but I know I tried,” the boy’s mother, Breanna Micciolo, tells Inside Edition. 

In her first in-person interview, Breanna says her son told her about being forced to run on the treadmill.

“He told me about the treadmill because it happened a few times. That was not the first time that it happened,” Breanna says.

Corey’s father, Christopher Gregor, was found guilty last week of aggravated manslaughter and child endangerment. His sentencing is set for August, where he faces up to 40 years behind bars.

Breanna, who testified against Gregor during the trial, says she suspected Corey was being mistreated by his father.

“He had bruises like if someone were to grab you, he had them on his arms, like fingerprint bruises. He had bruises on his forehead, he’s had black eyes. I would ask him how he got them and he was so afraid,” she says. “Most of the time he wouldn’t tell me what happened and whatever lie his father told him to say is what he would say to me.”

Breanna says the abuse caught on the gym’s surveillance camera was turned over to authorities a week before her son died. She believes the authorities could have helped prevent Corey’s death.

Breonna and Gregor were never married. She says they had sex once and he despised her for many reasons, which he took out on Corey.

“He hated me because he wanted me to get an abortion,” Breanna says. “He didn’t want to be a dad. I think it kind of was like forced on him by his family.”

Breanna blames Gregor for Corey’s death but she also blames the system that she says ignored her pleas for help.

“I hate him, he took everything from me,” Breanna says.

Gregor is appealing his conviction.

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