Mother Searches for Replica of Son With Autism's Favorite Blanket

Tristan Lee has had the blanket for six years.
Credit: Alicia Lee

Alicia Lee said she has been able to find two similar ones but not the original.

An Indiana mom is searching for a replica of a blanket she bought for her son with autism years ago. 

Alicia Lee took to Twitter to ask for help when she realized her 10-year-old son Tristan’s favorite blanket was getting quite tattered. 

The post has been retweeted more than 1,000 times since she shared it on Monday. 

Lee said she bought the original blanket six years ago from a company called Big One Throw. 

“I have been searching by myself for this blanket for years. So I decided maybe Twitter could help,” Lee told “It is a comfort to him and something he relies on to calm himself. It's almost part of him.”

That’s why the mom was super thankful when responses to her plea began pouring in.

“I have not found the exact blanket,” Lee said. “I have been sent two similar blankets by Kohl's and Berkshire Blanket. I sincerely appreciate their gestures, but I am still looking for the original blanket.”

She is holding out hope that she’ll find it.