New Book Claims Kennedy Family Has History of Degrading Women

Author Maureen Callahan examines one of the most infamous stories involving Marylin Monroe's reputed affairs with both President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy.

In her new bestseller, "Ask Not: The Kennedys And The Women They Destroyed," investigative journalist Maureen Callahan says the Kennedy family has a history of degrading and treating women poorly.

"The Kennedys remain a power center in American politics and it is up to the electorate, not just women, to ask themselves should people generationally who have abused women, left some for dead, and continue to abuse their power have a place in our politics and our culture," Callahan tells Inside Edition.

Callahan examines one of the most infamous stories involving Marylin Monroe's reputed affairs with both President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, before she overdoed in 1962.

"Marylin is threatening to go public because she now has been disposed of by the Kennedy brothers. She has become inconvenient. Bobby shows up at her house in LA, he is heard on tape because the FBI and CIA are secretly bugging Marylin's house," Callahan says. "Hours later, she is found dead."

To read the prologue from the new Callahan's new book on the Kennedys, click here.

For more information and to purchase, "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," click here.

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