New York Deli Owner Gives Out Free Chickens for Thanksgiving to Those in Need

Credit: Sarah Storrer
Credit: Sarah Storrer

Saratoga's Broadway Deli owner,  Daniel Chessare, the owner of Saratoga's Broadway Deli, said he's given away 100 chickens already.

A New York Deli is making sure no family goes without this Thanksgiving by giving out free roasted chickens to families in need. Saratoga's Broadway Deli owner, Daniel Chessare, the owner of Saratoga's Broadway Deli, said he's given away 100 chickens since he posted to Facebook letting people know about the effort.

In the post, it was emphasized there would be “no questions asked.”

"I feel like they're like they're kind of like this forgotten middle class between, you know, they're unemployed, but they're not homeless," Chessare told CBS News. "They're hungry, but they don't necessarily qualify for programs.”

Chessare, who is a single father, chose chickens over turkey because he can cook more at a time at his deli, so more people will end up benefiting.

“So I can cook like 36 chickens at a time, or I can cook like 12 turkeys,” he told the news station.

The owner also said he’s always given extra food to the homeless and has offered free lunch to students since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

"There's this tendency when there's a tragedy, or in this case like the pandemic, to pull back in order to save money to survive, when it actually turns out that the more we give, the more we get back," Chessare said.


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