New York Mets Fan Wants Baseball Players to Take Her to Prom

She needs 500,000 retweets to accomplish her mission.

A die-hard New York Mets fan doesn’t have a date for her May prom, so she reached out to the team to see whether a player would go with her. 

Callie Quinn, who was born a Mets fan thanks to her middle name, Shea, pitched the idea to the team on Twitter.

“Let me be straight with you guys," the 17-year-old said in a direct message. "I don’t have a date for prom. I think it’s because I talk about baseball too much. So how many retweets for you guys to send a player to come take prom pics with me so I don’t look like a complete loser???”

In its response, the organization sent the Staten Island teen on a mission to get 500,000 retweets about her proposal, and if she did, they would send over members of the team. 

Currently, more than 239,000 people have retweeted the message, including Mets players Kevin McGowan and Josh Smoker, as well as former Met, Curtis Granderson. Even celebs like Donnie Wahlberg and William Shatner have joined in on her mission. 

“I started out getting a thousand retweets every hour. Then I would get a thousand retweets every half hour. Then I got a thousand retweets every like 10 minutes,” she told CBS New York. “It’s crazy!”

The teen’s mom, Ann Marie Quinn, says she has offered to chaperone the prom because she wants to hang out with the players too. 

The unique promposal has also brought a number of suitors willing to take her to prom, but she's holding out to see if she can complete the task.


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