Ohio Amusement Park Guests Swarmed by Mayflies as Insects Emerge From Lakes and Streams Across US

Homeowner Blake Wellman tells Inside Edition a carpet of mayflies covered his driveway.

Amusement park guests in Ohio were swarmed by mayflies.

The riders tried to swat them away but they could not escape the insects at the Cedar Point Amusement Park.

Millions of mayflies are emerging from lakes and streams across the United States. Their goal is to mate and then return to water to lay their eggs for the next generation.

One driveway in Port Clinton, Ohio, was completely covered by mayflies.

“It was almost a solid probably two or three inches thick of just, like, just bugs,” homeowner Blake Wellman tells Inside Edition. “So we blew them out into the streets and then a street truck actually came through and picked them all up. But then the very next day they came all back so we had to do it again.”

The bugs typically make their appearance in May, hence their name. However, this year they did not arrive until June.

Mayflies do not bite. Experts suggest shutting off lights at nighttime to make them go away.

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