Ohio Teen Miraculously Survives Stabbing That Left a 4-Inch Blade Lodged in His Brain

Mikey Hampton, 16

Mikey Hampton, 16, was outside with a friend when they were attacked by a group of kids. Hampton was taken to the hospital, where his family learned he had a four-and-a-half-inch knife stuck in his forehead and was lodged in his brain.

An Ohio teen is at home recovering days after he was stabbed in the forehead and left with the blade stuck in his head after the handle broke off. 

Mikey Hampton, 16, was outside with a friend, only a few feet away from his family, when they were suddenly attacked by a group of kids, FOX 8 reported. 

“It was a nice warm evening, and we were outside trying to get my 3-year-old twins to tire out so they would go to sleep,” Kiara Easley, Hampton’s mother, told FOX 8. “This group of boys who have been bullying my son for years all of sudden came around and attacked him and his friend.”

After an argument broke out, Hampton ran to the house and the group of teens left, according to FOX 8. When Easley found him, he had a gash on his forehead that was bleeding, she told the news station. 

“He took a swing, and I thought I was going to be punched,” Hampton told FOX 8. “I felt pressure on my forehead, and I saw I was bleeding. I thought they hit me with a bottle or a brick or something.”

Hampton was taken to the hospital, where he learned he had a four-and-a-half-inch knife stuck in his forehead and was lodged in his brain, FOX 8 reported.

Easley said in a GoFundMe post that doctors didn’t expect Hampton to survive past surgery but the 16-year-old managed to pull through. Doctors doubt he will make a full recovery, said Easley. 

The teen was a football player with dreams of making it to the NFL but due to the injury, he may not get that chance, said his mother. 

“This just breaks my heart, because although my baby has a second chance at life, his passion is football,” Easley said. “Next to family, football was his everything, and now he’s feeling lost.”

Sandusky police told FOX 8 that three of the teens involved in the attack have been arrested and two are facing attempted murder charges.

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