Oklahoma Cops Rush to Scene After They Hear ‘Help,’ Turns Out It Was Just a Distressed Goat

Who ya gonna call? Goat busters!

Police are always called into risky situations, so when two Oklahoma cops heard what they thought were cries for help, it ended up being something more than they bargained for.

Bodycam video showed two officers, David Sneed and Neal Storey, of Enid Police Department running quite a bit in a field to reach a person they think they hear shouting “help.”

“I think that’s a person,” one confused officer said.

It turns out, that call for “help” came from a goat.

“It’s a goat,” Sneed said.

“It’s a goat?” a confused Storey said before laughing. “Ah, it is!”

The Enid, Oklahoma, police officers learned from the farmer that the goat seemed to be in distress after it had been separated from one of its friends.

“Sometimes a call can really get your goat,” the Enid Police Department said in a statement.

The Enid Police Department released the bodycam on Facebook where it has since gone viral.

"All in all, you really can’t say it was that baaad of a call," they wrote.

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