Pamela Smart Acknowledges Role in Husband's Murder, But Prosecutor Says Her Actions Fall Short

“I found myself responsible for something I desperately didn’t want to be responsible for, my husband’s murder,” Pamela Smart said.

Pamela Smart, who has been in prison for over 30 years in connection with the murder of her husband, is accepting responsibility for her role in her husband’s killing. 

Smart was 22 years old when she convinced the 15-year-old boy with whom she was having an affair, Billy Flynn, to shoot her husband, Gregg, in the head. Smart was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and sentenced to life without parole. She has spent 34 years behind bars.

Inside Edition interviewed Smart at Bedford Hills Prison in New York in 2015, 25 years to the day after her husband’s killing. At the time, she denied any role in his murder.

“There actually are a lot of people who believe me,” Smart said in 2015.

Now, Smart, 56, has changed her tune in a video released by a public relations firm. She said she is “accepting responsibility” for the murder.

“I found myself responsible for something I desperately didn’t want to be responsible for: my husband’s murder,” Smart said in the video.

Some have pointed out that Smart did not explicitly admit that she plotted the murder.

Paul Maggiotto prosecuted Smart at her 1991 trial.

“She never looks in the camera and says, ‘I orchestrated this murder,’” Maggiotto tells Inside Edition. “The theory of rehabilitation is accepting full responsibility for your involvement in the crime. Pam Smart has never done that.”

Flynn was released from prison in 2015 at age 41.

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