Parents Have Comical 'Empty Nesters' Photo Shoot as Last Child Leaves Home

The parents wanted to show off their excitement.
Haley Marie Photography

Amy and Randy English of Mississippi and their daughter thought it’d be a hilarious send-off for her. 

A pair of funny parents decided to do an “empty nester” photo shoot as their last child moved out the house. 

Amy and Randy English of Mississippi, and their 22-year-old daughter, Haley Jones, thought it’d be a hilarious send-off for her. 

“We had never seen one, so we just threw it together!” Jones, who is a photographer, told “The funny signs were all my mom’s idea and I think that’s what really made the pictures so funny.”

The signs included messages like “our favorite kids” as the parents posed alongside their dogs and “so sad, just kidding.”

Jones, who is their youngest child, is one of three children. She’ll be moving out on Saturday into her own apartment.  

“They’re so excited to just finally be kid-free after all of the years!” Jones said. "I feel like they’re going to get home from moving me in Saturday and just be like, ‘What are we supposed to do now?’ with it being so quiet around the house.

Jones said she was shocked the photos received as much attention as they did. They’ve been shared thousands of times. Now, as she departs the nest, they’ll all have these humorous photos to look back on.