Show Off Your Rockin’ Mullet at the USA Mullet Championships

A man with a mullet holding a mullet champion trophy
USA Mullet Championship wants to promote what they say is simply "a practical haircut."Facebook/USA Mullet Championship

The USA Mullet Championships are aiming to uplift the hairstyle.

Rocking a great mullet? Show it off at the USA Mullet Championships. Yes, it exists.

Launched in 2020, Mullet Champ created a website, and social media accounts to promote the “business-in-the-front, party-in-the-back” hairstyle, as they say.

The USA Mullet Championships offer a variety of categories, ranging from the kids, teens, the men’s open, and femullet. 

People who want to register can do so on the competition’s website. Voting for the best mane is conducted through Facebook before the final round is posted on the website.

According to the USA Mullet Championships website, the competition will also be held at various live events at state fairs and festivals from Colorado to Indianapolis to New York.

With over 60,000 people following its Facebook page, each many of the competition's posts get hundreds to thousands of likes, shares, and comments from people supporting all things mullet.

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