Target Employees Mad About Receiving Fortune Cookies Seemingly Mocking Their Pay Raise

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The company said it had no hand in choosing the fortune cookies, but employees said the company did apologize.

Employees at a Target distribution center in Michigan were quite dismayed when they discovered what they called a “cruel” prank involving fortune cookies.

The employees, who work in Charleston Township, said that a day after being told their holiday pay rate would only include a $2-per-hour increase, which is less than what they wanted, they said they received fortune cookies with messages mocking their situation, WWMT reported.

"I see money in your future; it is not yours though," one fortune cook read, according to the station. Another said, “The fortune you seek is in another cookie."

The cookies arrived at the site earlier this month, a day after the employees were told about the holiday pay, WMMT reported.

"Not one of those that I read was uplifting, positive," distribution center employee James Campbell told WWMT. "It felt like a direct stab to the employees that work here, especially when I can leave, come back and make more money than I currently am.”

Employees said Target officials apologized after the case got media attention, WMMT reported.

"At Target, we take our team members' concerns seriously and we work directly with them to quickly address any issues," said Brian Harper-Tibaldo, a Target spokesperson, in an email to the outlet. "We provided snacks to the team this week, including fortune cookies with pre-printed messages inside. We've looked into this and are confident Target did not have any hand in choosing the written fortunes; they were simply the messages that came in the fortune cookies."

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