Tennessee National Guard Blackhawk Helicopter Crashed During Training Flight on Alabama Highway, Killing 2

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The Tennessee National Guard did not release the names of the crew members on board the helicopter.

A Tennessee National Guard UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter crashed while conducting a training flight on an Alabama highway Wednesday, according to reports.

The incident, which was caught on video, was confirmed by Tennessee National Guard on Twitter who said that two people on board the chopper were killed.

“At approx 3pm today, a Tenn. National Guard UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter crashed while conducting a training flight near Highway 53 in Huntsville, Ala. The Madison County Sherriff’s Dept. in Ala. responded to the crash site and reported two crew members onboard were killed,” the Tennessee National Guard wrote.

The incident was witnessed by drivers on Alabama 53 near the intersection of Burrell Road in Madison County, according to AL.com.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of two Tennessee National Guardsmen, and our prayers are with their families during this heartbreaking tragedy,” Brigadier Gen. Warner Ross, Tennessee’s adjutant general, said in a statement. “We ask Tennesseans to join us in supporting their families during this time of unthinkable grief.”

The Tennessee National Guard did not release the names of the crew members on board the helicopter.

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