Tips to Beat Stress and Help You Stay Calm on Election Day

There are ways to stay calm amid the uncertainty, according to neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

If the election has you stressed you out, you’re not alone, and it has a name—Election Stress Disorder. According to the American Psychological Association, two-thirds of Americans are stressed out about the election, and it doesn’t matter what your political party is.

Another 55% of Americans think this Election Day will be the most stress-filled day of their lives. And adding to the stress levels, polls are showing that the race is tightening in key battleground states. But there are ways to stay calm amid the uncertainty, according to neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

“I recommend everybody makes a joy list, and these can be really minor things like taking a quick walk around the block, smelling a nice candle, partaking of their favorite hobby,” Ho said. “It's amazing how even just a few minutes of relaxation and prompting positive emotions can go such a long way during this time.”

Other stress-busting tips include:

1. Prepare for delayed results—it could be days before we know who wins.

2. Stay active and eat healthy.

3. Don’t obsess. It’s OK to unplug from the news.