University of Mississippi Freshman Roommates Hire Interior Decorator for Their Dorm Room

"We feel totally at home here, we feel totally comfortable here," Brittyn Wheeler tells Inside Edition.

Many college students across the United States are turning their drab dorms into beautifully decorated masterpieces.

Madi Baker and Brittyn Wheeler are freshman roommates at the University of Mississippi.

The roommates hired an interior decorator to transform their dorm room.

"All we had picked out really was colors then she sent us patterns of fabrics and let us decide what patterns we wanted for our bedding and pillows," Wheeler tells Inside Edition.

The designer, Shelly Gates of Mary Margaret Designs, spoke with Inside Edition.

"I've spent so much time with the girls that I know their vibe and can sort of begin to develop a theme," Gates says. "It makes the girls happy and it makes the parent feel good about leaving them at school."

Gates says she is getting many calls from students.

"Our room is outgoing but kind of fits our personality," Baker says.

"We feel totally at home here, we feel totally comfortable here," Wheeler says.

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