What Will Happen to A.J. Freund's Unborn Sibling? Today on Inside Edition

JoAnn Cunningham, who's charged in her son A.J.'s death and is being held in jail, is seven months pregnant.

What will happen to A.J. Freund Jr.'s unborn sibling?

JoAnn Cunningham, who's charged in her son A.J.'s death and is being held in jail, is seven months pregnant. Inside Edition spoke to an expert to find out what will happen to the baby once it is born. 

A mother is speaking out after she said she was arrested for complaining about vomit on her daughter's airplane seat. Why she said she felt "humiliated."

Are tourists risking their lives for the perfect snap at the Grand Canyon? Four people have died at the park in a month. 

And what's up with Judge Judy's new hair?

For more Inside Edition stories, tune in to today's show. Check local listings here.


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