What's Next for Hunter Biden? President Biden's Son Found Guilty on Federal Gun Charges

Hunter Biden’s conviction is a history-making verdict as for the first time ever, the child of a sitting president is found guilty of criminal charges.

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of federal charges related to his purchase and possession of a handgun while addicted to drugs. The conviction of President Joe Biden's son is history-making, as it is the first time a child of a sitting president has been found guilty of criminal charges. 

“I am the president but I am also a dad," President Biden's statement on the matter reads. "Jill and I love our son. I will accept the outcome of this case.”

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden was not present when the verdict was read. She arrived at the courthouse seven minutes later.

“He was trying to thread the needle with his defense that the very time he bought the gun he may have considered himself sober, may have considered himself recovering. That legal defense didn’t seem to fly or resonate with the jury which convicted him in short order,” CBS correspondent Scott MacFarlane tells Inside Edition.

According to reports, in their first vote Monday night, jurors were split 6-6. When they returned Tuesday morning, the vote was 11-1 in favor of conviction.

Hunter Biden, 54, walked out of court 20 minutes after the verdict with his wife and mother.

President Biden previously said he would not pardon his son if he were to be found guilty. The president was scheduled to speak at a gun safety conference on Tuesday. He cut his appearance short so he could make his way to Delaware to be with his son.

Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison, but many legal experts say they expect that as a first-time offender, he may receive probation. Sentencing for Hunter Biden is expected in four months, just before the presidential election.

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