Woman Panics After Hearing Strange Voices Coming From Her Furbo Dog Camera

Furbos have been around since 2016, and Angela has had hers for about five years. 

When Angela Cuniberti from Missouri heard a strange sound in her home, she panicked. 

"I heard a man's voice say, 'hey, beautiful,'" she said. "I basically freaked out. I thought someone came into my house. My dog started barking like crazy."

She soon discovered that man's voice came from her Furbo, a dog camera that can toss treats to pets when you're not home. 

"I see this little red light, and I said that's weird. It shouldn't be on or anything at all," she added. "I went to take a closer look, and that's when he started laughing."

Scott Grannerman, a technology expert from Webster University, warns about products connected to the internet. 

"We put these little internet-connected chips in all these devices, and the problem is we've now opened up security problems everywhere," he said.

Angela contacted the company, and they told her via email they take security very seriously, and the hacker likely had access to her WiFi. 

"I haven't used it ever since," Angela noted. "I did contact the Furbo company, and they told me they could replace a new one, and I said not to because I'm not doing that anymore."

Inside Edition Digital also reached out to Furbo for a comment but did not hear back.

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