Young Kentucky Couple Marry on Florida Beach After 2 Weeks of Dating

A stock image of a couple that are holding hands on the beach.
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“Our families were certainly surprised,” said Clara Bell, 18, regarding her new hubby, Trey Bell, 20. “It was surprising in a shocking way, like, ‘What?! You did what?!’”

A young Kentucky couple married on a Florida beach after only two weeks of dating. It all happened so quickly that the bride alleged that her parents didn’t even know she was in a relationship, according to a published report.

“Our families were certainly surprised,” said Clara Bell, 18 regarding her new hubby, Trey Bell, 20. “It was surprising in a shocking way, like, ‘What?! You did what?!’”

The teen bride told Kennedy News Media that the same day Trey proposed was the same day they eloped. 

“We spent everyday together,” so when he asked her to tie the knot, Clara said she was “on board."

“I was like ‘That’s crazy,’ but we did it,” said the teen bride regarding her October nuptials. 

The pair married in a $200 ceremony in Panama City, Florida. The amount covered the costs of a minister and a photographer that the couple hired through a company that offered same-day wedding services, The New York Post reported.

The couple even found $4 wedding bands as they exchanged their ‘I Do’s,' reported. 

Trey and Clara Bell, who are both TikTok creators, announced their spontaneous marriage on TikTok on Oct. 16, which has garnered more than five million views but has been getting mixed reviews. 

According to the bride, although two weeks may seem like a short amount of time to get to know someone, Clara said that the pair had known each other before and even dated for a short time in 2018 after meeting on Snapchat.

When Trey went to college in Kentucky and Clara went to prep school in Georgia to finish high school the pair had lost touch but reconnected in September.

Clara said their families have reportedly accepted the news of their nuptials but “at the time," Clara said “they were just shocked and confused.”

"I wouldn’t say they were shocked in a bad way though,” Clara said. “They’re happy now. Trey met my parents; I’ve met his parents. They’re super happy for us now.”

Clara added: “I wouldn’t recommend that everybody does it, but for us, I feel like it was the right decision."

More than two months later, Clara said that she and Trey are “still in the honeymoon stage.

"Marriage is definitely difficult, but not extremely difficult,” she said. 

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