Her mom wasn't so excited.
A 7-year-old in Oklahoma was shocked to open a school book and see that it had one been used by famous country singer Blake Shelton during his school days.
Although Marley was excited, her mom wasn’t impressed.
“Marley is EXCITED that her “new” reader belonged to Blake Shelton, but I am EMBARRASSED!!!” Shelly Bryan Parker, Marley’s mom, wrote on Facebook.
“I’m 40 and these people are my age!!! Thank you to every teacher/parent/support staffer/etc. for fighting for my kids education!!! Don’t give up until education is FULLY FUNDED.”
The book "Look Away (Keys to Reading)" by Louise Matteoni, was produced in 1980. Marley's current copy was signed in the front by Shelton in 1982, according to the picture Parker posted.
Latta school district confirmed Shelton did attend a district school in his younger years.
“My daughter's teacher is an amazing educator, and I'm certain that if she had a way to obtain books that are not 40 years old, she would,” Parker told CNN.
Parker’s post has gone viral, with more than 7,000 shares on Facebook.