California Tree Trimmer Dies in Tragic Accident After Falling Into Wood Chipper

yellow "police line do not enter" tape against blurry background

The man, unidentified, was already deceased when police arrived at the scene.

A California tree trimmer died after falling into a wood chipper while working in the city of Menlo Park.

On Oct. 11 at 12:53 p.m., Menlo Park Police responded to the call of a tree trimmer falling into a wood chipper, according to a police news release.

Upon arrival police found the man, who was already deceased due to the injuries he had sustained from the accident, report police. 

The Menlo Park Fire Protection District and San Mateo Coroner's office also responded to the tragic scene. 

The man's identity has not yet been released while the coroner notifies his next of kin, according to the police statement. 

The Cal/OSHA Division of Occupational Safety and Health will be the department responsible for investigating the incident that led to the man's death. 

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