Dog Rescued After Taking Officers on Wild Ride Through NYC Subway Tunnel

Lucy rescued by MTA worker.

Ten hours after she ran out of her owner's apartment, Lucy, an emotional support dog, was rescued from the subway tunnel and returned home.

Lucy the lost dog has been saved.

The emotional support dog led police officers and MTA workers on a wild chase and 10-hour search through the New York subway tunnels before she was safely rescued on Saturday night. 

Molly Malone had been watching the dog for her 76-year-old mother, Susan Malone, who was in the hospital for the last week with a broken arm and leg. 

When Molly went to check on Lucy at the Manhattan apartment around 11 a.m. on Saturday, Lucy bolted out the door and ran and didn't stop. 

She managed to get past the doorman, cross the West Side Highway and travel to the Chambers Street subway stop.

According to the Citizen App, several community members reported Lucy roaming loose around the Chambers Street and Franklin Street stations before going into a tunnel, People reported. 

Police officers started searching for Lucy after passengers on the train spotted her in the subway tunnel. 

The MTA pitched in and temporarily shut off power near where the dog was seen, ABC7 NY reported. 

At 9 p.m., Lucy emerged and was rescued by an MTA train service supervisor, Jose Bonilla, at 34th Street, blocks from where her journey began.

“She got all the way to 34th Street,” said Molly, the New York Post reported. “When she was finally found, Lucy 'came right up to me.'"

However, she did point out that Lucy bit the MTA worker who helped collar her before the pair headed home together.

“We rode the train home, and she sat right next to me like a gentlewoman. She's tired, and she's drinking a ton of water,” Molly said, “I’m so thankful for so many people who volunteered to help.”

On Monday Susan Malone finally got to see her runway pooch. Besides a broken nail and a good bath, Lucy was in great spirits. 

At a press conference on Tuesday, Bonilla was awarded a certificate of commendation for his role in rescuing Lucy from the subway by Sarah Meyer, an MTA chief customer officer. He was joined by his two biggest fans, Molly and Lucy.

“We applaud Jose for his efforts and diligent work to reunite Lucy with her owner,” Meyer said in a release.“This is just another example of the heroic work transit workers are ready to do at a moment’s notice.”  

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