Police to Hold Party for Missing Child Madalina Cojocari, Whose 12th Birthday Is Tuesday

Missing girl
Madalina Cojocari, who's been missing since November, loved horses and ice cream, authorities said.FBI

Madalina Cojocari hasn't been seen since Nov. 23, but her parents didn't report her missing until Dec. 15. Her 12th birthday is Tuesday.

Police are holding a party for North Carolina missing child Madalina Cojocari, whose 12th birthday is Tuesday. Her mother and stepfather have been charged with failing to report her disappearance after not stepping forward for three weeks, authorities said.

Cornelius Police are inviting the public to celebrate her birthday at 6 p.m. in the department's parking lot. 

Diana Cojocari, 37, and Christopher Palmiter, 60, were both arrested on a felony count of failing to report the disappearance of a child to law enforcement, according to the department. 

Both are being held at North Carolina's Mecklenburg County Detention Center, according to online jail records. Their next court appearance is scheduled for May 11. They have not entered pleas.

The child was last seen publicly on Nov. 21, when video from her school bus showed her getting off at her regular stop, authorities said.

The girl's mother and stepfather allegedly told police they hadn't seen her since Nov. 23. She was not reported missing until Dec. 15, police said. Diana Cojocari allegedly told police she didn't come forward becasue she feared it would create problems with her husband.

“This is a serious case of a child whose parents are clearly not telling us everything they know,” Thompson said in a video update on the investigation in December, after the couple's arrest.

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