Stunned Husband Watches Police Arrest 4th-Grade Teacher Wife for Allegedly Raping Child Under Age of 13

Alissa McCommon Arrest
Alissa McCommon is handcuffed in front of her husband (left) and taken into custody (right).Covington Police

Alissa McCommon allegedly engaged with the victim "through mobile phone social media apps, which led to her allegedly sending inappropriate photographs and requesting sexual relations with the victims," police said in a statement.

A Tennessee school teacher is accused of raping a student under the age of 13, according to police.

The Covington Police Department (CPD) arrested fourth-grade teacher Alissa McCommon, 38, last week following an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct.

"Multiple juvenile victims have come forth stating that they were befriended by their former teacher, McCommon, who began playing video games with them, and then further engaged with them through mobile phone social media apps, which led to her allegedly sending inappropriate photographs and requesting sexual relations with the victims," the CPD said in a statement following the arrest.

There is "no evidence that any of the alleged activities occurred on any school campus," according to the CPD, who also claim that "McCommon admitted to communicating inappropriately with former students."

Photos from that arrest show the teacher being taken away in handcuffs while her stunned husband looks on from inside their home.

The CPD said that the investigation into McCommon began on Aug. 24, when they were contacted by the Tennessee Department of Children Services "regarding allegations of sexual misconduct that had been reported, involving a teacher and a former student."

Investigators soon learned that McCommon had been "suspended without pay from her position by Tipton County Schools due to the allegations," according to the CPD.

The investigation into McCommon is ongoing according to the CPD, who are not releasing any specific details due to the age of the victim and other possible victims but did say that "additional charges are expected."

Court records obtained by Inside Edition Digital show that McCommon is accused of violating Tennessee Code § 39-13-522, rape of a child. That is defined under Tennessee law as "the unlawful sexual penetration of a victim by the defendant or the defendant by a victim, if the victim is more than three (3) years of age but less than thirteen (13) years of age."

If convicted, McCommon would face a minimum sentence of 25 years in prison.

She is being held on $25,000 bond according to the CPD, and court records show her next court appearance has been set for Oct. 13.

“Covington Police Department Detectives continue to investigate this terrible exploitation and abuse of these young boys," Chief Donna Turner said after McCommon's arrest. "We expect to also develop the investigation to determine accountability of other adults in the case, including those who were aware of the abuse, and those who allowed or provided locations for such illegal acts to occur."

Turner also said that she had spoken with the US Attorney’s Office and intends to "pursue any appropriate federal charges related to the sexual exploitation of these victims utilizing cellphones, inappropriate relations, and activities across jurisdictional State lines."

Turner concluded her remarks by stating: "We will prosecute this case to the fullest and will continue to support the victims and their families during all aspects of the investigation."

This is a joint investigation between the CPD and the Tipton County Sheriff's Office, with Mark E. Davidson, the district attorney general for Tennessee's 25th Judicial District, assigned to prosecute the case.

McCommon does not yet have a lawyer listed and her husband did not respond to a request for comment.


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