Uber Driver Who Killed 6 Between Dropping Off and Picking Up Passengers Pleads Guilty in Spree

Jason Dalton pleaded guilty to the charges he faced on Monday.
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Jason Dalton, 48, killed six people in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in February 2016 in shootings at three different locations.

An Uber driver who went on a murderous rampage in between picking up passengers pleaded guilty to all charges in the spree in a shocking turn of events. 

Jason Dalton, 48, killed six people in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in February 2016 in shootings at three different locations. Two others were injured. 

Dalton told the court Monday that he had made the decision to plead guilty in order to avoid putting his family through the stress of a trial. 

"I've wanted this for quite a while," Dalton said, when asked by the judge presiding over the case whether his change of heart was voluntary. 

His calm demeanor stood in stark contrast to a court hearing two-and-a-half years ago, when he lunged at one of his surviving victims, Tiana Carruthers, as she testified in court at a pre-trial hearing. Carruthers, who was shot four times shielding a group of children, sobbed as Dalton was dragged from the courtroom. 

The story attracted nationwide attention because Dalton allegedly continued working in between the apparently random shootings, picking up and dropping off passengers as though nothing had happened, as police hunted for the gunman. 

Uber reportedly said Dalton passed a background check and there were no indications that any warning flags were missed. Dalton had no previous criminal record, according to police.