Woman Says She Keeps Getting Dozens of Amazon Packages She Didn't Order

Amazon Deliveries
Eighty boxes of Amazon deliveries have arrived at her home, a Washington, D.C. woman says.Getty

A Washington, D.C. woman says she's received about $4,000 worth of children's sheets, none of which she ordered.

A woman living in the nation's capital says she is in shopping hell after 80 boxes of Amazon deliveries arrived unbidden at her doorstep.

Liz Geltman says the nightmare began last fall, when package after package started arriving at her home. But she never ordered the Amazon deliveries, she said.

Inside were children's sheets and the outside of the boxes were addressed to Meng Xian Kuan, someone Geltman says she has never heard from.

She put in many, many phone calls to the shipping giant, but was told to just keep them, she said.

Initially, she donated the kid's bedding. Then she took the nonstop packages to an Amazon service center inside her local Whole Foods to be returned. But more boxes kept arriving.

"They kept coming, and coming, and coming," she told WUSA-TV. She even tried flagging down the delivery drivers, but they wouldn't take back the packages, she said.

"It's very frustrating on multiple levels," she told the station. She estimates she's received $4,000 worth of unwanted bedding.

The CBS affiliate reached out to Amazon, which said it had apologized to Geltman and would pick up the packages. 

But since the Washington, D.C. woman was interviewed earlier this week, nine more boxes arrived, the station reported.

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